Don’t Browbeat a Dead Horse

In other words: let sleeping horses lie (but not cheat or steal)

Lara Starsearch
3 min readMar 6, 2022


Photo by Donald Giannatti on Unsplash

if If I could ever do a Tedtalk, it would be about how to get OTHER people to talk.

It took many years of co-dependency and self-flagellation to arrive here, but I did it and now I can safely say I’m semi-good at it. However, if you desire an even quicker way to learn how to get people to open up? Well…ride a horse.

Horses are amazing. They see everything and if you are quiet and observant enough to take note, they will reveal themselves to you. But you’ve got to shut your mouth for awhile and pay attention.

Which is a pretty difficult thing for most people to do. Including me. We all want to blather on about something. I want to say something cool although I don’t really have anything to say, so I scrounge around searching for something interesting and I find…horses?

But it’s true. Horses really ARE spectactular. All animals really, but horses especially because of how high the stakes are. They weigh a ton and with one false move they can crush you, so you HAVE to listen to them and respond but without being annoying about it.

