these are a few of my most likable things

Lara Starsearch
2 min readNov 26, 2022

sing to the tune of ‘raindrops on roses’

things that i like: the word ‘like’ more than the word ‘grateful.’ periods instead of commas. writing sometimes more than talking. my cats. my dogs. the way when i pick up ryan to kiss the side of his head, his body is so long i can almost wrap it around my waist. the way momo always looks shocked at first to see me if i’ve been gone for a few days and then when i hold him and hug him he smiles with his eyes as he lays in my arms and faces outwards like a baby. scratching the back of my neck a bit but not too much. dancing in my own weird way to any song i hear. realizing that i like listing things that i like more than listing things that i hate which tends to be what a lot of standup comedy is about and maybe that’s why i’ll never be good at it but then again maybe i can do a new kind of comedy which is love centered. no, it will just suck but that’s ok as long as i’m happy doing it. that listing things you’re grateful for actually lowers your risk of heart disease. that doing the subtraction exercise makes you appreciate with absolute acceptance the way your life is so you stop pining for something you don’t have. that it’s ok to want things unless you can’t live without things. that i have friends who also need a certain amount of time alone to feel at peace with the world so i don’t feel like such a freak for needing more time to myself than some other people. i’m glad that my mind is pretty good at this gratitude thing because i used to do it as a kid each night instinctively before i went to bed. i’d list all the good things that happened that day always. it was a ritual of mine. i’m glad that i figured out how to write something each day that may or may not become a novel someday.

