Member-only story
what if you sang out your sorrows?
tired of useless advice? how about one more story about it?

how about this: every time someone pisses you off, sing about it?
you know, like they do in musicals?
forget giving someone the finger, just belt it out from your diaphragm!
what if we lived in a world where everyone sang first and yelled… never?
i’d like that world.
let’s say you’re angry at your dad/brother/wife/sister/husband/grandma/kid and instead of sulking or screaming about it you just sang til your heart was freed of its discontent. and/or joyful feelings too! whoop dee whoop dee doo!
just try it. who knows. maybe people would stop beating each other up physically and emotionally.
i’m not trying to be facetious but if this makes you laugh instead of hit or shit on somebody, then i guess i AM trying to be fecestious. I mean, facetious.
somebody cuts you off on the freeway? (singing) FUCK YOU YOU TINY PENISED LITTLE FUCK FACCCCCCCCCE!
somebody tells you you can’t do your job right? (singing) YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT THAT I WANT TO SCRAPE ALONG THE SIDEWALK UNTIL YOU ARE REDUCED TO…